Wednesday 6 April 2011

Woof Woof!!

Hello World, I am finally back on my blog! Mama had some problems with the laptop which meant I couldn't come online, it really sucked because I had a cool video to put on my blog. We also moved house, which was great as I now have a really nice garden to play in. Yay! I really like sitting on the grass in the sunshine, it's so relaxing. Then I usually get loads of cuddles for looking really really cute, which is awesome!

Mama has been teaching me some more tricks recently, I can hi-five and twirl now. Mama says I'm a really good girl and that I am also a really fast learner! Yay. This means I'll get even more cuddles and treats!

Mama and Papa took me to a pet store recently and they got me this massive chewy bone that tastes of beef, I love it. I have to take it everywhere with me incase Papa tries to steal it, I know he secretly thinks it looks tasty as well. Mama also got me a duck toy, that makes duck noises when I bite its tummy. I didn't like it's feet though, they were bright orange, so I pulled them off straight away. Which made Mama laugh and got me even more cuddles!

Mama is sorting out some pictures of me so that I can put them on my blog and show everyone! More to come very soon!

Woof Woof. xxx

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